Our History

“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies previously made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the good fight,”

— 1 Timothy 1:18

  • In the Beginning

    We all have a story that God is writing in our lives. For me, I began to document the prophetic words, the impressions given by God, dreams & visions early on in my journey. I encourage others to begin to write down the significant events and words in their lives, as this is probably God revealing His story for your life! The difficult part is, that if we do not see it as His story that He is writing we may miss the amazing God connections along the way.

  • The Forming of God's Vision

    Once we begin to recognize the story the Lord is writing, it allows us to begin to see a prophetic history as well as the prophetic path that the Lord is leading us down. In this video we discuss our time of preparation for ministry and marriage, as we were apart of the International House of Prayer University. During our time of preparation the Lord really brought wisdom and clarity to us about what He was going to do through us in the future.

  • The Major Moves Leading to Cape Verde

    When we begin to tune our ears into the voice of the Lord prophetically, He can and will use anything and everything to confirm, lead and direct our lives. The confirmations for each of our Major Moves and the story behind them is truly amazing. In this video we talk about how the Lord lead us from one city to another as we made our way into Pioneering a new vision in the Islands of Cape Verde.

If you haven’t started writing down your personal or your ministries prophetic history, I would highly recommend that you start sooner than later! As some of the small little things that touched your heart in the past, could actually be some of the most profound prophetic confirmations, or directions in your life for the future! We are praying that the Lord would give you ears to hear, and eyes to see what the Spirit of the Lord is doing in and around your life.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” - Zechariah 4:10

We are a ministry making an impact, but how did we get here? Below you can view our beginning update videos as we grew and are continuing to grow!

How it All Began

This was our introduction newsletter, of how and why we made the move to Cape Verde full time!

Our First Months in Cape Verde

Want to know what happened in the first months that we were in Cape Verde? Check out our newsletter video!

What is the Lord Doing in the Midst of Chaos?

With the vision we have there are so many moving parts, we explain a little more of what we feel in this season.

2022 Came with Refreshing of Vision & an Invitation to Continue!

We are in this for the long haul. Will you join us by partnering with us on this journey! Exciting update and vision recap!

Our First Missionary!

We hosted our first missionary one year after we arrived in Cape Verde.

Big Moves for LGMI

The Lord opened a door for a huge connection and opportunity in Orlando, Florida. Check it out!

Recap of Our Summer Program

Mission to Ghana